The Quest for Just and Pure Law Rocky Mountain Workers and American Social Democracy 1870 1924 1st Edition by John P. Enyeart- Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9780804749862 0804749868
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0804749868
ISBN 13: 9780804749862
Author: John P. Enyeart
Focusing on the political culture forged by Rocky Mountain workers from the 1870s through the 1920s, this book shows how the unique working-class politics of the region led to remarkable successes in securing progressive labor legislation. These successes―especially in improving workers’ hours, wages, and safety―in turn played a central role in transforming the nation’s attitudes toward workers’ rights.
Examining political culture in the everyday lives of workers (from shop floors to union halls to recreation), the author uncovers a labor movement based as much on pragmatism as on ideology, and he traces how its members productively focused their efforts on political action at the local and state levels. In the process, they developed a
Table of contents:
“He who would be free, himself must strike the blow” : Joseph Buchanan, Rocky Mountain Knights, and notions of working-class justice
To “strike at the polls” : local and state politics, regional unity, and working-class political action
The “militant, progressive, liberal spirit of western unionism” : mutualism, socialism, and regional activism
“Sabotage, ‘jackass tactics’ indeed!” : progressive unionists, syndicalists, and the advance of social democracy
“There is a war every day for the workers–there always has been” : the persistence of progressive unionism
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John Enyeart,The Quest for Just,Pure Law Rocky Mountain,Social Democracy