Nutrition Gut Microbiota and Immunity Therapeutic Targets for IBD 79th Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop New York N Y September 2013 1st Edition by J.D. Lewis, F. M. Ruemmele, G. D. Wu – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 3318026697, 978-3318026696
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 3318026697
ISBN 13: 978-3318026696
Author: J.D. Lewis, F. M. Ruemmele, G. D. Wu
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is a chronic debilitating disorder that occurs at any age and in populations around the world. Its pathogenesis is believed to involve a combination of genetic susceptibility, immune and external environmental factors, including the gut microbiota. Changing factors such as diet and the human gut microbiota may thus be a viable alternative to suppressing the innate and adaptive immune responses. The book at hand starts with a summary of the current understanding of the epidemiology and biologic underpinnings that manifest as IBD. Next, the gut microbiota, its function, and how it may interact with nutritional status in perpetuating IBD are looked at, followed by discussions on the potential for manipulation of the gut microbiota through the use of prebiotics, probiotics, antibiotics, and fecal transplantation. Chapters on the current role of and future prospects for nutritional interventions in the management of IBD complete the topics presented.
Table of contents:
1 A Review of the Epidemiology of Inflammatory Bowel Disease with a Focus on Diet, Infections and Antibiotic Exposure – Lewis, J.D. (USA)
2 Current Issues in the Design of Clinical Trials in IBD – Feagan, B.G. (Canada)
3 The Intestinal Microbiota in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases – Sartor, R.B. (USA)
4 Genetics and Innate and Adaptive Immunity in IBD – Zanello, G.; Kevans, D.; Goethel, A.; Silverberg, M.; Tyler, A.; Croitoru, K. (Canada)
5 Interplay of Nutrients and Microbial Metabolites in Intestinal Immune Homeostasis: Distinct and Common Mechanisms of Immune Regulation in the Small Bowel and Colon – Perrigoue, J.; Das, A.; Mora, J.R. (USA)
6 Manipulating the Gut Microbiome as a Therapy for IBD
7 Diet, the Gut Microbiome and the Metabolome in IBD – Wu, G.D. (USA)
8 Antibiotics, Probiotics and Prebiotics in IBD – Bernstein, C.N. (Canada)
9 Fecal Microbiota Transplantation: An Interest in IBD?
10 The Future of Nutrition in IBD
11 Enteral Nutrition as a Treatment Option for Crohn’s Disease: In Kids Only? – Ruemmele, F.M.; Pigneur, B.; Garnier-Lengliné, H. (France)
12 Effects of Exclusive Enteral Nutrition on Bone Mass, Linear Growth, and Body Composition in Children with Crohn’s Disease – Sylvester, F.A. (USA)
13 Exclusive Enteral Nutrition: Clues to the Pathogenesis of Crohn’s Disease – Levine, A. (Israel)
14 Current State of the Art of Medical Foods – Blum, S. (Switzerland); Brito, F. (USA)
15 IBD Therapy: New Targets and Unmet Needs
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