Handbook of Eggs in Human Function 1st Edition by Ronald Ross Watson – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9086862543, 978-9086862542
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 9086862543
ISBN 13: 978-9086862542
Author: Ronald Ross Watson
Handbook of Eggs in Human Function 1st Table of contents:
- The Good Egg, the Forgotten Benefits: Protein, Carotenoids, Choline, and Glycemic Index
- Isolation of Value-Added Components from Egg White and Their Potential Uses in Food, Nutraceutical, and Pharmaceutical Industries
- Why Americans Are Eating 176 Less Eggs per Capita in 2011 Than in 1945?
- The Role of Eggs in Weight Management
- Conjugated Linoleic Acids from Eggs in Health: Lessons from Animal Models
- Benefits of High Cholesterol Levels for All-Cause Mortality: Biochemical Bases
- Metabolic Syndrome in Adolescents: Role of Cholesterol Sources, Eggs, and Others
- Natural Multi-Nutrient Enriched Eggs: Production and Role in Health
- Strengths and Weaknesses of Functional Eggs for Human Health
- Enrichment of Hen Eggs with Vitamin D for Human Health
- Egg Fortification with n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids
- Enrichment of Eggs in n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids by Feeding Hens with Flaxseed Oil
- Whole Egg as an Athlete’s Training and Performance Superfood
- Modulation of Lipids, Lipoproteins, and Other Biomarkers with Egg Consumption and Exercise
- Curbing Hidden Hunger: Possible Role of Egg Consumption
- Egg-Derived Bioactive Compounds in Heart Health
- Conjugated Linoleic Acid-Enriched Designer Eggs
- Camelina Meal and Table Egg n-3 Fatty Acids
- Egg Fortification for Improved Cardiometabolic-Related Effects
- Isoflavone and Flavonoid Supplemented Eggs in Health
- Transfer of Mycotoxin Residues in Hen’s Egg, Their Interaction and Mechanism
- Arsenic in Poultry and Their Eggs – A Global Issue
- Dioxins in Eggs
- Passive Immunoglobulin Y Immunotherapy Targeting Oral Diseases
- In Vitro Evaluation of the Antibacterial Properties of Chicken Egg Yolk Immunoglobulins: Promising Results Supporting Their Use In Vivo
- Lysozyme and Its Modified Forms: Properties, Potential for Its Production and Application
- Allergy to Egg and New Therapeutic Approaches
- Tolerance Induction to Egg in Egg-Allergic Individuals
- Dehydrated Egg White for Specific Oral Tolerance Induction in Treatment for Egg Allergy
- Physiological, Biochemical, and Allergenic Properties of Egg Allergens
- Egg Allergy Overview and Application to Milk Allergic Children
- Psychrotrophic Heat-Resistant Bacteria in the Sector of Pasteurized Liquid Egg Processing: A Focus on the Bacillus Cereus Group
- The Eggshell as a Barrier to Contamination
- Irradiation on Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Liquid Egg White and Yolk
- IgY Antibody-Based Method for Preventing and Monitoring Food Pathogens
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Ronald Ross Watson,Handbook,Eggs,Human Function 1st