Essential Matlab for Engineers and Scientists 3rd Edition by Brian Hahn ,Daniel Valentine – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery:0750684178 ,978-0750684170
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0750684178
ISBN 13: 978-0750684170
Author: Brian D. Hahn ,Daniel T. Valentine
The essential guide to MATLAB as a problem solving tool
This text presents MATLAB both as a mathematical tool and a programming language, giving a concise and easy to master introduction to its potential and power. Stressing the importance of a structured approach to problem solving, the text gives a step-by-step method for program design and algorithm development. The fundamentals of MATLAB are illustrated throughout with many examples from a wide range of familiar scientific and engineering areas, as well as from everyday life.
Numerous simple exercises provide hands-on learning of MATLABs functions
A new chapter on dynamical systems shows how a structured approach is used to solve more complex problems.
Common errors and pitfalls highlighted
Concise introduction to useful topics for solving problems in later engineering and science courses: vectors as arrays, arrays of characters, GUIs, advanced graphics, simulation and numerical methods
Text and graphics in four colour
Extensive instructor support
Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists is an ideal textbook for a first course on MATLAB or an engineering problem solving course using MATLAB, as well as a self-learning tutorial for students and professionals expected to learn and apply MATLAB for themselves.
Additional material is available for lecturers only at This website provides lecturers with:
- A series of Powerpoint presentations to assist lecture preparation
- Extra quiz questions and problems
- Additional topic material
- M-files for the exercises and examples in the text (also available to students at the books companion site)
- Solutions to exercises
- An interview with the revising author, Daniel Valentine
· Numerous simple exercises give hands-on learning
· A chapter on algorithm development and program design
· Common errors and pitfalls highlighted
· Concise introduction to useful topics for solving problems in later engineering and science courses: vectors as arrays, arrays of characters, GUIs, advanced graphics, simulation and numerical methods
· A new chapter on dynamical systems shows how a structured approach is used to solve more complex problems.
· Text and graphics in four colour
· Extensive teacher support on solutions manual, extra problems, multiple choice questions, PowerPoint slides
· Companion website for students providing M-files used within the book
Table of contents:
1. Introduction
1.1 Using MATLAB
1.2 The MATLAB desktop
1.3 Sample program
2. MATLAB Fundamentals
2.1 Variables and the workspace
2.2 Arrays: vectors and matrices
2.3 Vertical motion under gravity
2.4 Operators, expressions and statements
2.5 Output
2.6 Repeating with for
2.7 Decisions
2.8 Complex numbers
2.9 More on input and output
2.10 Odds ‘n ends
2.11 Programming style
3. Program Design and Algorithm Development
3.1 Computer program design process
3.2 Other examples of structure plans
3.3 Structured programming with functions
4. MATLAB Functions & Data
4.1 Some common functions
4.2 Importing and exporting data
5. Logical Vectors
5.1 Examples
5.2 Logical operators
5.3 Subscripting with logical vectors
5.4 Logical functions
5.5 Logical vectors instead of elseif ladders
6. Matrices of Numbers & Arrays of Strings
6.1 Matrices
6.2 Matrix operations
6.3 Other matrix functions
6.4 Strings
6.5 Two-dimensional strings
6.6 eval and text macros
7. Introduction to Graphics
7.1 Basic 2-D graphs
7.2 3-D plots
8. Loops
8.1 Determinate repetition with for
8.2 Indeterminate repetition with while
9. Errors and Pitfalls
9.1 Syntax errors
9.2 Pitfalls and Surprises
9.3 Errors in logic
9.4 Rounding error
9.5 Trapping and generating errors
10. Function M-Files
10.1 Some examples
10.2 Basic rules
10.3 Function handles
10.4 Command/function duality
10.5 Function name resolution
10.6 Debugging M-files
10.7 Recursion
11. Vectors as Arrays & *Advanced Data Structures
11.1 Update processes
11.2 Frequencies, bar charts and histograms
11.3 *Sorting
11.4 *Structures
11.5 *Cell arrays
11.6 *Classes and objects
12. More Graphics
12.1 Handle Graphics
12.2 Editing plots
12.3 Animation
12.4 Colour etc
12.5 Lighting and camera
12.6 Saving, printing and exporting graphs
13. Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs)
13.1 Basic structure of a GUI
13.2 A first example: getting the time
13.3 Newton again
13.4 Axes on a GUI
13.5 Adding colour to a button
14. Dynamical Systems
14.1 Cantilever beam
14.2 Electric current
14.3 Free fall
14.4 Projectile with friction
15. Simulation
15.1 Random number generation
15.2 Spinning coins
15.3 Rollig dice
15.4 Bacteria division
15.5 A random walk
15.6 Traffic flow
15.7 Normal (Gaussian) random numbers
16. More Matrices
16.1 Leslie matrices: population growth
16.2 Markov processes
16.3 Linear equations
16.4 Sparse matrices
17. Introduction to Numerical Methods
17.1 Equations
17.2 Integration
17.3 Numerical differentiation
17.4 First-order differential equations
17.5 Linear ordinary differential equations (LODEs)
17.6 Runge-Kutta methods
17.7 A partial differential equation
17.8 Other numerical methods
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Brian Hahn,Daniel Valentine,Essential Matlab, Scientists 3rd