Politics & Philosophy - Anthropology
The Japanese Soviet Neutrality Pact Boris Nikolaevich Slavinskiĭ
Politics & Philosophy - Anthropology
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The Jesuits the Padroado and East Asian Science 1552 1773 Lu¡S Saraiva
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The Jewish divide over Israel accusers and defenders Bogdanor
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The Kurds of Iraq Building a State Within a State Ofra Bengio
Politics & Philosophy - Anthropology
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The Languages of Political Islam India 1200 1800 1st Edition Muzaffar Alam
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The Last Caudillo Alvaro Obregn and the Mexican Revolution 1st Edition Jürgen Buchenau
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The Last Troubadours Poetic Drama in Italian Opera 1597 1887 1st Edition Deirdre O’Grady
Politics & Philosophy - Anthropology
The Legacy of Alexander Politics Warfare and Propaganda Under the Successors Albert Brian Bosworth
Politics & Philosophy - Anthropology