Collapse How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed 1st edition by Jared Diamond – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0143117009, 978-0143117001
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0143117009
ISBN 13: 978-0143117001
Author: Jared Diamond
Brilliant, illuminating, and immensely absorbing, Collapse is destined to take its place as one of the essential books of our time, raising the urgent question: How can our world best avoid committing ecological suicide?
Collapse How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed 1st Table of contents:
Part 1: Modern Montana
- Chapter 1: Under Montana’s Big Sky 27
- Stan Falkow’s story
- Montana and me
- Why begin with Montana?
- Montana’s economic history
- Mining
- Forests
- Soil
- Water
- Native and non-native species
- Differing visions
- Attitudes towards regulation
- Rick Laible’s story
- Chip Pigman’s story
- Tim Huls’s story
- John Cook’s story
- Montana, model of the world
Part 2: Past Societies
Chapter 2: Twilight at Easter 79
- The quarry’s mysteries
- Easter’s geography and history
- People and food
- Chiefs, clans, and commoners
- Platforms and statues
- Carving, transporting, erecting
- The vanished forest
- Consequences for society
- Europeans and explanations
- Why was Easter fragile?
- Easter as metaphor
Chapter 3: The Last People Alive: Pitcairn and Henderson Islands 120
- Pitcairn before the Bounty
- Three dissimilar islands
- Trade
- The movie’s ending
Chapter 4: The Ancient Ones: The Anasazi and Their Neighbors 136
- Desert farmers
- Tree rings
- Agricultural strategies
- Chaco’s problems and packrats
- Regional integration
- Chaco’s decline and end
- Chaco’s message
Chapter 5: The Maya Collapses 157
- Mysteries of lost cities
- The Maya environment
- Maya agriculture
- Maya history
- Copán
- Complexities of collapses
- Wars and droughts
- Collapse in the southern lowlands
- The Maya message
Chapter 6: The Viking Prelude and Fugues 178
- Experiments in the Atlantic
- The Viking explosion
- Autocatalysis
- Viking agriculture
- Iron
- Viking chiefs
- Viking religion
- Orkneys, Shetlands, Faeroes
- Iceland’s environment
- Iceland’s history
- Iceland in context
- Vinland
Chapter 7: Norse Greenland’s Flowering 211
- Europe’s outpost
- Greenland’s climate today
- Climate in the past
- Native plants and animals
- Norse settlement
- Farming
- Hunting and fishing
- An integrated economy
- Society
- Trade with Europe
- Self-image
Chapter 8: Norse Greenland’s End 248
- Introduction to the end
- Deforestation
- Soil and turf damage
- The Inuit’s predecessors
- Inuit subsistence
- Inuit/Norse relations
- The end
- Ultimate causes of the end
Chapter 9: Opposite Paths to Success 277
- Bottom up, top down
- New Guinea highlands
- Tikopia
- Tokugawa problems
- Tokugawa solutions
- Why Japan succeeded
- Other successes
Part 3: Modern Societies
Chapter 10: Malthus in Africa: Rwanda’s Genocide 311
- A dilemma
- Events in Rwanda
- More than ethnic hatred
- Buildup in Kanama
- Explosion in Kanama
- Why it happened
Chapter 11: One Island, Two Peoples, Two Histories: The Dominican Republic and Haiti 329
- Differences
- Histories
- Causes of divergence
- Dominican environmental impacts
- Balaguer
- The Dominican environment today
- The future
Chapter 12: China, Lurching Giant 358
- China’s significance
- Background
- Air, water, soil
- Habitat, species, megaprojects
- Consequences
- Connections
- The future
Chapter 13: “Mining” Australia 378
- Australia’s significance
- Soils
- Water
- Distance
- Early history
- Imported values
- Trade and immigration
- Land degradation
- Other environmental problems
- Signs of hope and change
Part 4: Practical Lessons
Chapter 14: Why Do Some Societies Make Disastrous Decisions? 419
- Road map for success
- Failure to anticipate
- Failure to perceive
- Rational bad behavior
- Disastrous values
- Other irrational failures
- Unsuccessful solutions
- Signs of hope
Chapter 15: Big Businesses and the Environment: Different Conditions, Different Outcomes 441
- Resource extraction
- Two oil fields
- Oil company motives
- Hardrock mining operations
- Mining company motives
- Differences among mining companies
- The logging industry
- Forest Stewardship Council
- The seafood industry
- Businesses and the public
Chapter 16: The World as a Polder: What Does It All Mean to Us Today? 486
- Introduction
- The most serious problems
- If we don’t solve them…
- Life in Los Angeles
- One-liner objections
- The past and the present
- Reasons for hope
Afterword: Angkor’s Rise and Fall 526
- Questions about Angkor
- Angkor’s environment
- Angkor’s rise
- The great city
- Magnificent engineering
- Angkor’s decline
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