Practical Common LISP 1st Corrected Edition by Peter Seibel – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1590592395, 978-1590592397
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1590592395
ISBN 13: 978-1590592397
Author: Peter Seibel
…it has a fresh view on the language and the examples in the later chapters are usable in your day-to-day work as a programmer. — Frank Buss, Lisp Programmer and Slashdot Contributor
If you’re interested in Lisp as it relates to Python or Perl, and want to learn through doing rather than watching, Practical Common Lisp is an excellent entry point. — Chris McAvoy, Chicago Python Users Group
Lisp is often thought of as an academic language, but it need not be. This is the first book that introduces Lisp as a language for the real world.
Practical Common Lisp presents a thorough introduction to Common Lisp, providing you with an overall understanding of the language features and how they work. Over a third of the book is devoted to practical examples such as the core of a spam filter and a web application for browsing MP3s and streaming them via the Shoutcast protocol to any standard MP3 client software (e.g., iTunes, XMMS, or WinAmp). In other “practical” chapters, author Peter Seibel demonstrates how to build a simple but flexible in-memory database, how to parse binary files, and how to build a unit test framework in 26 lines of code.
Table of contents:
1 Introduction: Why Lisp?
2 Lather, Rinse, Repeat: A Tour of the REPL
3 Practical: A Simple Database
4 Syntax and Semantics
5 Functions
6 Variables
7 Macros: Standard Control Constructs
8 Macros: Defining Your Own
9 Practical: Building a Unit Test Framework
10 Numbers, Characters, and Strings
11 Collections
12 They Called It LISP for a Reason: List Processing
13 Beyond Lists: Other Uses for Cons Cells
14 Files and File I/O
15 Practical: A Portable Pathname Library
16 Object Reorientation: Generic Functions
17 Object Reorientation: Classes
18 A Few FORMAT Recipes
19 Beyond Exception Handling: Conditions and Restarts
20 The Special Operators
21 Programming in the Large: Packages and Symbols
22 LOOP for Black Belts
23 Practical: A Spam Filter
24 Practical: Parsing Binary Files
25 Practical: An ID3 Parser
26 Practical: Web Programming with AllegroServe
27 Practical: An MP3 Database
28 Practical: A Shoutcast Server
29 Practical: An MP3 Browser
30 Practical: An HTML Generation Library, the Interpreter
31 Practical: An HTML Generation Library, the Compiler
32 Conclusion: What’s Next?
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Peter Seibel,Practical Common LISP