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ISBN 10:9814289159
ISBN 13:9789814289153
Author: Feodor Kusmartsev
This unique volume presents the scientific achievements of outstanding scientists from different countries working in diverse areas of Condensed Matter Physics. Drawn from the 32nd International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories held in Loughborough in August 2008, these 46 papers, while centered on the concepts and techniques of theoretical condensed matter physics, also address broad issues of common concern for all physicists. It is particularly relevant to theorists who apply advanced many-particle methods in other areas of physics.The primary topics covered in the paper contributions include: statistical mechanics, nonlinear dynamics, quantum Fermi and Bose liquids, boson condensates, strongly correlated electron systems, superconductivity and phase transitions. Among the specific questions addressed and discussed are modern theories of graphene, Quantum Hall Effect, models of social dynamics, which are based on the example of Obama-McCain election, extraordinary magnetoresistance, supercooled atomic gases, transitions between various magnetic states in different systems made from magnetic nanoparticles, order-disorder-order phase transitions in spin frustrated systems, embolic stroke and semifluxon dynamics in extended Josephson junctions. The book provides the latest updated information on modern Condensed Matter Theories and the methods used. The many recent developments in the field such as the discovery of graphene or of new phenomena in supercooled gases or of an extraordinary magnetoresistance augur well for this timely publication. The main value of the book lies in the diversity of topics being covered comprehensively, which puts the book in a primary position in the modern market.
Table of Contents:
- Part A Statistical Mechanics, Magnetism, Quantum and Nonlinear Dynamics
- The Groundstates and Phases of the Two-Dimensional Fully Frustrated XY Model P. Minnhagen, S. Bernha
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Generalized 2D XY Model
- 3. Groundstate
- 4. Broken Symmetries
- 5. Phase Transitions and Phase Diagram
- 6. Central Charge
- 7. Implications for Standard 2D FFXY Model
- Acknowledgments
- References
- 2D Ising Model with Competing Interactions and its Application to Clusters and Arrays of -Rings, Gr
- 1. Introduction
- 2. The Model (Square Lattice)
- 3. Phase Diagram
- 4. Low-Temperature Glassy State
- 5. Adiabatic Quantum Computing
- 6. Honeycomb Lattice: Application to Graphene
- 7. Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Concerning the Equation of State for a Partially Ionized System G. A. Baker Jr.
- Conclusion
- References
- Quasiclassical Fourier Path Integral Quantum Correction Terms to the Kinetic Energy of Interacting Q
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Fourier Path Integral Representation of the Canonical Density Matrix Elements in Coordinate Space
- 3. The Classical Limit
- 4. Classical Kinetic Energy Including Quantum Corrections
- 5. Formulas for Central Two-Body Forces
- 6. Numerical Results and Discussion
- References
- Ergodicity and Chaos in a System of Harmonic Oscillators M. H. Lee
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Dynamics of Two Independent Classical HO in 1 Dimension
- 2.1. Rational frequencies
- 2.2. Irrational frequencies
- 2.3. Hamilton-Jacobi theory
- 3. Chaos versus Ergodicity
- 4. Chain of Coupled Oscillators
- 5. Classification of Ergodicity
- 6. Ergodicity in Chaos
- 7. Concluding Remarks
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Chaotic Modes in Scale Free Opinion Networks F. V. Kusmartsev and K. E. K urten
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Model
- 3. Galam’s Local Majority and Minority Rule
- 4. Local Opportunists and Global Contrarians of Fixed Group Size K on the Network with the In-Degree
- 5. Scale Free Network with Odd Group Sizes up to K = 7
- 6. The Phenomen of Social Chaos Arising During the Obama Election Campaign
- 7. Summary
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Astroid Curves for a Synthetic Antiferromagnetic Stack in an Applied Magnetic Field D. M. Forrester,
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Single Particle
- 3. Two Magnetic Particles
- 4. Summary
- Acknowledgment
- References
- Entanglement Properties of Quantum Many-Body Wave Functions J. W. Clark, A. Mandilara, M. L. Ristig
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Entanglement and Quantum Phase Transitions
- 2.1. Single-site entanglement
- 2.2. Two-site entanglement
- 3. Variational Theory of the Transverse Ising Model
- 4. Entanglement in Jastrow-Hartree Ground States
- 4.1. Single-site entropy
- 4.2. Two-site entanglement
- 4.3. Localizable entanglement
- 4.4. Tanglemeter and nilpotent polynomials
- 5. Entanglement in Other Many-Body Wave Functions
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Part B Fermi and Bose Fluids
- Topological Phase Transitions in Strongly Correlated Fermi Systems J. W. Clark, V. A. Khodel and M.
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Collective Versus Topological Scenarios for the QCP
- 3. Reprise of the Original Quasiparticle Pattern
- 4. Salient Features of the Topological Scenario
- 5. Search for Quasiparticle Solutions Beyond the QCP
- 5.1. Regular interaction
- 5.2. Singular interaction
- 6. Characterizing the Exceptional State
- 7. Solutions of the Landau Quasiparticle Equations at T > 0
- 8. Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Deconfinement and Quantum Liquid Crystalline States of Dipolar Fermions in Optical Lattices S. T. Ca
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Model
- 3. Experimental Realisation
- 4. Meta-Nematic Phase Transition
- 5. Crystallisation
- 6. Smectic Phase
- 7. Bosonization Approach
- 8. Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- References
- On the “Generalized Slater” Approximation J. Messud, P. M. Dinh, E. Suraud and P.-G. Reinhard
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Exact SIC
- 3. SIC-OEP
- 4. Examples of Application
- 5. Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Fluid Helium-4 in Thermal Equilibrium K. A. Gernoth and M. L. Ristig
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Quantum Properties
- 3. Quantum Statistics
- 4. Dynamic Quantum Correlations
- 5. Kinetic Energy Components
- 6. Outlook
- References
- Microscopic Approach in the Description of Slowing of Electromagnetic Pulses in BEC of Alkalis Y. Sl
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Hamiltonian of Hydrogen-Like Atomic Gas in the External Electromagnetic Field
- 3. Response of the Gas to the Perturbation by the External Field. Green Functions
- 4. Dispersion Characteristics of the Atomic Gas in BEC State. Ultra-Slow Light
- 5. Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Anomalous Behavior of Ideal Fermi Gas Below 2D: The “Ideal Quantum Dot” and the Paul Exclusion Princ
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Ideal Fermi Gases in Any d > 0
- 3. Null-Dimensional (d = 0) IFG
- 4. Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Part C Transport Theory
- On the Quantum Hall Effect in Graphene S. Fujita, J.-H. Kim, K. Ito and M. de Llano
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Theory
- 3. Discussion
- Acknowledgments
- Appendix A. Derivation of Equation (2)
- References
- Modelling Charge Transport in DNA Using Transfer Matrices with Diagonal Terms S. A. Wells, C.-T. Shi
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Diagonal-Ladder Model of DNA
- 3. Comparison with Previous Results
- 4. Results for SBS Mutations in Retinoblastoma
- 5. Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Similarities Between Embolic Stroke and Percolation Problems J. P. Hague
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Models of Percolation
- 3. Embolic Stroke Model
- 4. Percolation Threshold and Embolic Stroke
- 5. Summary
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Extraordinary Magnetoresistance in Hybrid Semiconductor-Metal Systems T. H. Hewett and F. V. Kusmart
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Simulation Approach
- 3. Results
- 4. Further Discussion
- 5. Conclusion
- References
- Topological Aspects of the Specific Heat C. M. Sarris and A. N. Proto
- 1. Introduction
- 2. MEP Basic Tools
- 3. Metric and Specific Heat Relationship
- 4. Invariants for the SU(2) Lie Algebra
- 5. Examples
- 5.1. Larmor’s precession
- 5.2. A time-dependent example
- 6. Discussion
- Acknowledgment
- Appendix
- References
- Effects of Electron-Electron Interactions in Two Dimensions S. V. Kravchenko
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Experimental Setup and Samples
- 3. Results and Discussion
- 3.1. Spin susceptibility in (100) silicon
- 3.2. The effective mass in (100) silicon
- 3.3. The effective mass in (111) silicon
- 4. Summary
- Acknowledgment
- References
- Doping Induced Electronic Phase Separation and Coulomb Bubbles in Layered Superconductors M. Saarela
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Variational Theory of Two-Band Model for HTSC Compounds
- 3. Comparison with Experimental ARPES and Hall Effect Data
- 4. Coulomb Polaron Clumps Embedded in HTSC
- 5. Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- References
- High-Frequency Response and Voltage Noise in Magnetic Nanocomposites N. A. Buznikov, I. T. Iakubov,
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Dynamics of a Single-Domain Magnetic Particle
- 3. 1/f Noise in the Phase-Separated Manganites
- 4. High-Frequency Permeability of Nanocomposites
- 5. Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- Bibliography
- Acoustic Band Gap Formation in Two-Dimensional Locally Resonant Sonic Crystals Comprised of Helmholt
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Finite Element Simulation
- 3. Experimental Procedure
- 4. Discussion of Results
- 5. Conclusion
- References
- Part D Superconductivity
- Disordered Superconductors: A Simple Model Manifesting Pseudogap AND BCS-BEC Crossover
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Model and Formalism
- 3. Results
- 3.1. Unconventional features
- 3.2. BCS-BEC crossover
- 3.3. Beyond mean field theory: phase fluctuations
- 3.3.1. Phase fluctuations within self-consistent harmonic approximation (SCHA)
- 3.3.2. Pseudogap
- 3.3.3. Pure case: A comparison
- 4. Conclusion
- Acknowledgment
- References
- Superconducting Nanowires: Quantum-Confinement Effect on the Critical Magnetic Field and Supercurren
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Model and Its Solution
- 3. Results and Discussion
- 3.1. Parallel critical magnetic field in nanowires
- 3.2. Current-carrying state in nanowires
- 4. Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Critical Temperature of High-Tc Superconductors and Boundary Conditions in Ginzburg-Landau Theory A.
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Macroscopic Properties of Thin Film Made of High-Tc Superconductors
- 3. Analysis of Some Experimental Results Obtained on High-Tc Superconductors
- 4. Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- References
- An Informative Method for the Diagnostics of Superconductors K. Rostami
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Demagnetizing Fields and the Thermodynamic Field
- 3. Experimental Method
- 3.1. Experimental results
- 3.2. Discussion of the results
- References
- Novel Magnetic Properties in Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Mats: Consistent with the Paramagnetic Mei
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Experiment
- 3. Result
- 4. Discussion
- 5. Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Superconductivity, Spin and Charge Density Structures in One and Two-Dimensional Self-Consistent Mod
- 1. Introduction
- 2. 1D Hubbard Model
- 2.1. Superconductivity in 1d model
- 3. 2D Model
- 3.1. Stripes
- 3.2. Checkerboard structure
- 3.3. Vortex
- 3.4. Coexistence of spin-charge structure and superconductivity
- References
- Part E Josephson Junctions and SQUIDs
- Non-Linear Dynamics, Entanglement and the Quantum-Classical Crossover of Two Coupled SQUID Rings M.
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Review of the Entanglement Properties of Two Coupled Duffing Oscillator
- 3. RSJ Model and Scaling the Dynamics
- 4. Quantum Mechanical Description of the SQUID Ring
- 5. Results and Comparison with the Duffing Oscillator
- 6. Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Numerical Study of -Junction Using Spin Filtering Barriers S. Kawabata and Y. Asano
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Energy Band Structure of Ferromagnetic Insulators
- 3. Numerical Calculation of Josephson Current
- 4. Josephson Current Through the Fully Polarized Ferromagnetic Insulators
- 5. Josephson Current Through the Eu-Chalcogenides
- 6. Summary
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Two-Dimensional Macroscopic Quantum Dynamics in YBCO Josephson Junctions S. Kawabata, T. Kato, F. Lo
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Model and Lagrangian
- 3. Effective Action
- 4. Thermal Activation Process
- 5. Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling Process
- 6. Comparison with Experiment
- 7. Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Generation of Vortices in Superconducting Disks W. M. Wu, M. B. Sobnack and F. V. Kusmartsev
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Formulation and Methodology
- 2.1. Gibbs energy from the London models
- 2.2. Gibbs energy from the Ginzburg-Landau models
- 2.3. Finite temperatures
- 3. Comparison with Experiments
- 4. Conclusion
- References
- Flux Cloning Anomalities in Josephson Nano-Junctions H. F. Hassan and F. V. Kusmartsev
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Flux Cloning
- 3. Numerical Studies of Flux Cloning
- 4. Conclusion
- References
- Talking Breather Qubits T. Fujii, M. Nishida, S. Tanda and N. Hatakenaka
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Classical and Quantum Breathers
- 3. Breather Qubit
- 4. Breather-Electromagnetic Field Interactions
- 5. Entanglement
- 6. Talking Breather Qubits
- 7. Concluding Remarks
- Acknowledgment
- References
- Josephson Plasma Resonance Spectroscopy of the Layered Superconductors with Intrinsic Josephson Effe
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Experimental Setup and Procedures
- 2.1. Bolometric technique for measurements of the resonance absorption
- 2.2. Microwave spectrometer
- 3. JPR in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ and Bi2Sr2CuO6+ in Zero Magnetic Field
- 4. JPR in the Vortex State of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+
- 5. Summary
- References
- Formulating Josephson Effects and Vortices by Reformulated Maxwell Equations J. H. Xiao
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Extending Chen’s S-R Additive Decomposition Theorem to any Rank-Two Tensor
- 3. Tensor Expression of Divergence and Curl of Electromagnetic Field
- 4. Reformulated Maxwell Equations and London Equations from Boundary Point
- 5. Maxwell Equations and London Equations from Local Point
- 6. Conclusion
- References
- Free and Induced Vortices Motion in the Josephson Junction Coupled with Waveguide A. S. Malishevskii
- 1. Introduction
- 2. System under Consideration. Basic Equations
- 3. Free Motion of Vortices
- 4. Cherenkov Effect and Velocity Quantization
- 5. Ohmic and Surface Losses
- 6. Cherenkov Losses
- 7. Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Part F Semiconductor Heterostructures
- Nondegenerate Parametric Amplification in Superlattices and the Limits of Strong and Weak Dissipatio
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Main Formulas Describing the Nondegenerate Parametric Amplification in a Superlattice
- 2.1. Absorptions for arbitrary amplitudes of the ac fields satisfying 1 + 2 = n
- 2.2. Absorptions for arbitrary amplitudes of the ac fields satisfying 1
- 2.3. Manley-Rowe relations in the limit of weak dissipation
- 3. Absorption of Weak Signal and Idler Fields in the Presence of Strong Pump
- 3.1. Incoherent components of absorption
- 3.2. Coherent absorptions for 1 + 2 = n
- 3.3. Coherent absorptions for 1
- 3.4. The limits of weak and strong dissipation
- 4. Conclusion and Perspectives
- Acknowledgments
- References
- RPA Approach to Non-Linear Transport in Quantum Dots B. Tanatar and V. Moldoveanu
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Model and Theory
- 3. Results and Discussion
- 4. Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Magnetic Relaxation of Superconducting Quantum Dot and Tunneling of Electron in a Magnetic Field D.
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Quantum Tunneling of a Vortex
- 2.1. Surface barriers
- 2.2. Dissipation
- 2.3. Vortex mass
- 2.4. Physical model
- 3. Instanton Method
- 3.1. Euclidean Lagrangian
- 3.2. Analytic continuation in !c
- 3.3. Classical trajectories
- 3.4. Jacobi elds
- 3.5. Elimination of zero eigenvalues
- 3.6. Calculation of the Green function
- 3.7. Integrals over the peculiar eigenmodes
- 3.8. Contribution of the trivial trajectory
- 3.9. Instanton gas
- 4. WKB Method
- 4.1. Hamiltonian
- 4.2. The use of symmetries
- 4.3. WKB expansion
- 4.4. Correspondence with the previous results
- 5. Discussion
- Appendix: Faddeev-Popov Procedure
- References
- Theoretical Backgrounds of Nonlinear THz Spectroscopy of Semiconductor Superlattices A. V. Shorokhov
- 1. Introduction
- 2. High-Frequency Absorption of an Arbitrary Probe
- 3. High-Frequency Absorption of a Weak Probe
- 3.1. Absorption at harmonics (2 = m1)
- 3.1.1. Unbiased superlattice
- 3.2. Absorption at integer half-harmonics (2 = m1=2)
- 3.3. Absorption at fractional frequencies (2 = m1=n with n 3)
- 4. Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- Appendix A. Solution of Boltzmann Equation
- Appendix B. Pavlovich Formula
- References
- Terahertz Bloch Oscillator with Suppressed Electric Domains: Effect of Elastic Scattering T. Hyart,
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Static Electric Characteristic and Small-Signal Gain
- 3. Superlattice Balance Equations
- 4. Large-signal Gain and Stability
- 5. Characteristic Time Scales
- 6. Discussion and Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Some Peculiarities of Using of Dielectric Resonators in Microwave Surface Impedance Measurements T.
- 1. Introduction
- 2. A Simple Model
- 3. Analysis and Discussion
- 4. Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Part G Electrostatic Field in Superconductors
- Electrostatic Field in Superconductors I: Open Questions J. Kol a cek and P. Lipavsk y
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Field Effect on the Critical Temperature
- 3. Penetration of the Electric Field in Superconductors
- 3.1. Charge profile and the increase of the critical temperature
- 3.2. History of a theoretical picture of the charge profile
- 3.3. The Tao effect
- 4. Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Electrostatic Field in Superconductors II: Balance of Forces P. Lipavsk y and J. Kol a cek
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Material Relations
- 2.1. The Ohm law
- 2.2. The Hall effect
- 2.3. The magnetohydrodynamical picture
- 2.4. The London theory
- 3. Balance of Forces
- 3.1. The Bernoulli potential
- 3.2. The charge neutrality
- 3.3. The transient period
- 3.4. The Lorentz force
- 4. Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Electrostatic Field in Superconductors III: Thermodynamic Approach J. Kol a cek and P. Lipavsk y
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Phenomenological Description
- 2.1. Thermodynamic relations
- 2.2. Two-fluid model
- 2.3. Currents in the two-fluid model
- 3. Electrostatic Potential
- 3.1. Free energy for the Coulomb interaction
- 3.2. Kinetic energy of the longitudinal velocity
- 3.3. Complete set of equations of motion
- 4. Thermodynamic Corrections
- 4.1. Thomas-Fermi screening
- 4.2. Density dependence of the critical temperature
- 5. Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Electrostatic Field in Superconductors IV: Theory of Ginzburg-Landau Type P. Lipavsk y and J. Kol a
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Extended GL Theory
- 2.1. Wave function for the superconducting fraction
- 2.2. Free energy
- 3. Set of Equations
- 3.1. Maxwell equations
- 3.2. Ginzburg-Landau equation
- 3.3. Scalar potential
- 4. Quasineutral Limit
- 4.1. Magnetic properties
- 4.2. Electrostatic properties
- 5. Summary
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Electrostatic Field in Superconductors at Equilibrium P. Lipavsk y and J. Kol a cek
- 1. Introduction
- 1.1. Diamagnetism
- 1.2. Effect of the electric field on the superconductivity
- 1.3. Aim of this paper
- 2. Basic Concepts
- 2.1. Maxwell equations
- 2.2. Material relations
- 2.2.1. The Ohm law
- 2.2.2. The Hall effect
- 2.2.3. The magnetohydrodynamic picture
- 2.2.4. The London theory
- 3. Balance of Forces
- 3.1. The Bernoulli potential
- 3.2. The charge neutrality
- 3.3. The transient period
- 3.4. The Lorentz force
- 3.5. Summary of the balance of forces
- 4. Phenomenological Description
- 4.1. Thermodynamic relations
- 4.2. Two-fluid model
- 4.3. Currents in the two-fluid model
- 5. Electrostatic Potential
- 5.1. Free energy for the Coulomb interaction
- 5.2. Kinetic energy of the longitudinal velocity
- 5.3. Complete set of equations of motion
- 5.4. Thomas-Fermi screening
- 5.5. Thermodynamic corrections to the Bernoulli potential for small magnetic field
- 6. Extended GL Theory
- 6.1. Wave function for the superconducting fraction
- 6.2. Free energy
- 7. Set of Equations
- 7.1. Maxwell equations
- 7.2. Ginzburg-Landau equation
- 7.3. Scalar potential
- 8. Quasi-Neutral Limit
- 8.1. Magnetic properties
- 8.2. Electrostatic properties
- 9. Summary
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Feodor Kusmartsev,CONDENSED MATTER,Volume 24